Thursday, October 21, 2010

Running in Cameroon

Whenever you need a pick-me-up, going for a run in Cameroon is the best. The village paths are filled with smiling people waving and cheering in French and the local language “Good job!” and “Keep it up!”. Every once in a while along the way, you get a clan of school children who start running with you. One time I had about 20 of them following me for a good mile. You can’t help but smile and wave back, repeating “Merci, merci!” to everyone like it is a huge accomplishment to go running.


  1. So happy to hear that the road is smooth in Cameroon - quite a bit bumpier in Burkina. Email her if you get a chance, though I know the internet has been down there for some time and they are not in any hurry to get it up and running again. Take care - Carol

  2. Wow, Lindsey, I am impressed! Just think if they saw you swimming! Keep posting. We love hearing about your experiences.
    Cathy Whitaker

  3. Are you sure they don't just think you're dancing? Arms a swinging, "merci" a saying...aka a full-fleged dance routine a la America... amazing thought though, you inspiring the local to get out and run!
