Thursday, September 30, 2010

Scenes from the Village

View of Bangang

This is the NGO, called ACREST, which I am working with in an attempt to harness the power of the waterfall in town to generate cheap electricity to the villagers currently living without electricity. Other things that ACREST does is sell fuel-efficient stoves, natural water filters, solar fruit dryers, and electricity generated from the waterfall, wind turbines, and solar panels, as well as using biogas for stoves.

This is the microfinance institution, called MC2, which I am advising. They are all over Cameroon.

You can sort of see the waterfalls in the top right hand corner of the picture on the rock face.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tu es la?

It is extremely common in Cameroon to ask someone if they are there (“tu es la” in French). This question is always asked when you are clearly right in front of the person posing the question, so at first I didn’t really know how to respond other than a quizzical expression. Eventually, however, you are no longer annoyed at the many obvious questions people ask and not only start to get used to them, but actually begin to enjoy them. It’s one of those things I can really only enjoy while here in Cameroon.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

My new home

This is my new house! I am on the second floor. The goats live on the first floor.

This is my bedroom. You can sort of see the hot pink silk sheets I got made for $5. Everything you buy here is custom made because they don't have really stores, just tailors and carpenters.